What Are Critical Features of Hospitality Marketing?
What Are Critical Features of Hospitality Marketing?

Hospitality marketing is certainly a niche form of marketing. However, there are almost endless ways that it can be approached in order to help hospitality businesses succeed. And while it can be fun to brainstorm unique and exciting approaches when it comes to hospitality marketing, there are some basics which simply can’t be overlooked. Here are the four critical features that need to be included in any hospitality marketing campaign.

A Strong Brand Identity

Before you can start crafting your marketing plan, you need to nail down what makes your hospitality venture unique. It’s absolutely necessary to make sure you have a strong brand identity, which includes not only the visual aspects of your brand (like a logo and color palette) but also your mission and messaging. Think about the values and beliefs that drive your company, and make sure you have a fully developed brand personality. In the highly competitive hospitality industry, a strong brand identity will be what sets you apart.

Engaging Content Marketing

When it comes to hospitality services, consumers tend to put in a lot of research before making a purchasing decision. That’s why it’s important to provide plenty of content to help steer them toward your business. Think about all the ways in which a potential customer might interact with your business, including search engines, websites, and social media profiles. Rather than just promoting your business, you can use these opportunities to provide valuable and relevant content that your audience wants to see, such as local travel guides or tips for saving money on vacation. This will help establish your brand as trustworthy and promote brand loyalty.

Ratings and Reviews

Speaking of brand loyalty, few things are as important to the hospitality industry as reviews. In addition to checking out your content, potential customers are also likely to peruse your ratings online before deciding whether to book with you. Likewise, happy customers who leave positive reviews are likely to return again in the future. It should come as no surprise that having good reviews can be a huge boost for your hospitality brand. In fact, one study found revenue gains of up to 11% for each increase in star ratings on customer review sites like Yelp and TripAdvisor. Building, monitoring, and protecting your brand’s reputation is one of the cornerstones of hospitality marketing.

Digital Advertising

The days of using a local travel agent or booking by phone are disappearing quickly as a growing number of consumers are booking their travel from computers and mobile devices. The vast majority of hospitality bookings take place online, so it’s necessary to focus a good portion of your marketing efforts on digital advertising. The benefits here are two-fold. First, you get your name out in front of potential customers who are searching for businesses like yours. And second, you have a better chance of driving those customers to your website instead on an online travel agency (OTA), such as Expedia or Booking.com. Since most OTAs take a cut of the revenue, more direct bookings lead to more profits for your business.

Partnering with an experienced hospitality marketing firm like Quaintise Hospitality is the best way toget the stellar results you’re looking for. While you can attempt these efforts on your own, it makes a significant difference when you have access to the expertise, analytic tools, and PR connections that a firm like Quaintise Hospitality can bring to the table. If you’re interested in learning more, get in touch with us today.